目前分類:與耶穌有約 (4)

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"When we believe that reality is confined to only what we see, we become prisoners to our perceptions." ---- by Jon Walker

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今日靈修:" A lot of people think obedience is about fearing God, but God wants us to see obedience to him as a relationship of love. And out of love comes trust. If you trust what God is saying to you, and you believe that he loves you, then that will lead to action." Biblical Obedience: Love + Trust + Action (順服 = +信靠+遵行) 順服是一種關係,是一種出於愛的回應,不是因為懼怕、出於勉強、避免懲罰而產生的行為。而順服結果是平安與喜樂。做父母都希望孩子能如此回應我們,而我們自己如何回應我們天上的父呢?

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              週四的晚上,我們全家人按照慣例一起讀聖經。當晚讀的是以弗所書四章,接著爸爸首先分享了最後一節,「並要以恩慈相待,存憐憫的心,彼此饒恕,正如神在基督裡饒恕了你們一樣。」(Eph 4:32),他覺得需要更多恩慈的心來對我們。他承認家裡的兩個女人有時讓他很挫折,會惹動他的氣對我們不耐煩,以致有時會”finger pointing”,讓他自己心裡也很不舒服。他希望我們能更多彼此恩慈相待和互相饒恕。

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